Woe is me, a sinner. What has happened to me? Why should I destroy myself so wrongly? I still have time for repentance.
The Lord calls me: shall I procrastinate? How long, my soul, will you remain in your sins? How long will you put off repentance?
Think of the judgment to come, cry out to Christ your God; Searcher of hearts, I have sinned; before Thou condemnest me, have mercy upon me!
At Thy awesome coming, O Christ, may I not hear: ‘I know you not’ (Matt. 25:12). For we have placed our hope in Thee, our Savior, even though in our negligence we fail to keep Thy commandments.
But, we pray Thee, spare our souls. Alas, Lord, for I have grieved Thee and did not perceive it; yet behold, through Thy grace I have begun to perceive, and so am filled with confusion. My unhappy soul is shaken with fear.
St Peter of Damascus