The poor man who begs and the rich man who
gives both are indebting the Lord, but only under the condition that the poor
man begs in the name of the Lord with humility and that the rich man gives in
the name of the Lord with compassion.
Everyone who receives should know that he
receives that which belongs to God and everyone who gives should know that he
gives that which belongs to God. Such giving has a price and such
receiving has a price. All of us enter this world naked and naked shall we
leave this world. All of us are beggars before the Lord for we possess nothing
that we have not received from the Lord.
Therefore, give to the poor man as God as
given to you. You take what is another's and you give to your own when you
perform charity.
The poor man is closer to you than all of
your goods even as God, the Creator of men, every man is incomparably more
precious than all of his goods. If you have been given riches, it was given to
you for temptation: that your heart be tempted!
That God and all the heavenly hosts see
whether you understood from whom are all your riches and why they were given to
you. Blessed are you if you know that your goods are from God and belong to
God! Blessed are you if you consider the poor as your companions, among your
family members and share with them from that which God has entrusted to you!
O how immeasurable is God's love for
mankind! Behold, all that you have belongs to God but, nevertheless, God
considers Himself your debtor if you take from Him and give to the poor and He
will repay you for your good. What kind of mercy can be compared to this!
O Man-loving Lord, open our minds to
understand the mystery of Your mercy and soften our hearts as wax, that as wax
they burn and shine with the reflection of Your inexpressible mercy!
To You be glory and thanks always.