Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov: By the power of the name of Jesus, the mind is freed from doubt...
Lessons by our Holy Fathers
By the power of the name of Jesus, the mind is freed from doubt, indecision, and hesitation; the will is strengthened; and correctness is given to zeal and other properties of the soul.
Then only thoughts and feelings pleasing to God, thoughts and feelings belonging to undepraved human nature, only such thoughts and feelings are allowed to remain in the soul.
There is no place then for other thoughts and feelings, for God will save Sion and the cities of Judah will be built; and men will dwell there, and inherit it. And the seed of Thy slaves will possess it; and they who love Thy name will dwell in it (Ps. 68:36).
In the name of the Lord Jesus quickening is given to the soul deadened by sin. The Lord Jesus Christ is life. And His name is living; it revives and quickens those who cry by it to the source of life, the Lord Jesus Christ.
For Thy name’s sake, O Lord, Thou wilt quicken me in Thy righteousness (Ps. 142:11). We shall not depart from Thee. Thou wilt quicken us, and we will call upon Thy name (Ps. 79:19).
On the Prayer of Jesus
Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov