
[Prayers] [bsummary]

Lessons by our Holy Fathers

[Lessons by our Holy Fathers] [twocolumns]

Orthodox Destinations

[Orthodox Destinations] [bleft]

This life is a spiritual struggle. To conquer or to be defeated!

This life is a spiritual struggle.
To conquer or to be defeated!
If we conquer, we will enjoy the fruits of victory throughout all eternity; if we are defeated, we will endure the horrors of destruction throughout all eternity.
This life is a duel between man and all that is contrary to the Divine.

God is an Almighty ally to all who sincerely call upon Him for help. "This life is not a joke or a play thing," says Father John of Cronstadt, "but men turn it into a joke and plaything. But the capricious play around with time given to us for preparing for eternity, play around with empty words.

They gather together as guests, they sit and chatter and after that they sit and play in this way or the other way; they gather in theatres and there they entertain themselves.
All life for them is an amusement. But, woe unto them who are only entertaining themselves."