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Lessons by our Holy Fathers

[Lessons by our Holy Fathers] [twocolumns]

Orthodox Destinations

[Orthodox Destinations] [bleft]

St John Chrysostom | Untamed youth has need of many instructors and teachers...

Chapter Nine. 
Lessons by Our Holy Father John Chrysostom on Education. Con’t.

36. Untamed youth has need of many instructors and teachers, guides, observers and educators. Only with this effort can it be reigned inAn unbroken horse, an untamed beast — that is youth. Therefore, if we place limits from an early age we will not need to use such great force; to the contrary, habit will become law. We will not allow them to do what is pleasant but harmful; we will not try to please them because they are children, for this brings more harm than anything to youth. But most of all we will preserve chastity. We should concern ourselves with this more than anything else, and pay the most attention to this.

We will take wives for them early, so that they would unite themselves to their brides with pure and incorrupt bodies. This kind of love is especially ardent. Whoever was chaste before marriage is more likely to remain so after marriage. But those who learned before marriage to fornicate will do the same after marriage.

For it is written in the Scriptures: All bread is sweet to a whoremonger (Sir. 23:17). That is why a crown is placed on the head — as a sign of victory, that they are entering the bridal chamber unvanquished, unconquered by lust.

If someone prone to love of pleasure has given himself to harlots, then what reason does he have for wearing a crown on his head, since he has been vanquished? We will instill this in them, teach it to them and threaten them in various ways.

St. Theophan the Recluse