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Brothers and sisters, we have lived this week in the light of last Sunday—the Triumph of Orthodoxy. A wonderful feature was pointed out...
JULY 28 Saints Timon, Prochorus, Nicanor, and Parmenas, Apostles of the Seventy were among the first deacons in the Church of Christ. ...
The Monastery of the Panagia of Trooditissa is established in a pine covered area of Troodos, between the villages of Platres and Prodro...
In the philosophy of St. Isaac, the problem of the nature of knowledge becomes an ontological and ethical problem which, in the last re...
O spotless, undefiled, incorrupt, immaculate, pure Virgin, Lady Bride of God, who by thy wondrous conceiving hast united God the Word to ...
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Brothers and sisters, we have lived this week in the light of last Sunday—the Triumph of Orthodoxy. A wonderful feature was pointed out...
JULY 28 Saints Timon, Prochorus, Nicanor, and Parmenas, Apostles of the Seventy were among the first deacons in the Church of Christ. ...
O spotless, undefiled, incorrupt, immaculate, pure Virgin, Lady Bride of God, who by thy wondrous conceiving hast united God the Word to ...
The Holy Monastery of Archangel Michael has a very old story hidden in the depth of time. First references about the Monastery are...
The Monastery of the Panagia of Trooditissa is established in a pine covered area of Troodos, between the villages of Platres and Prodro...
The stages of contemplation are, it seems to me, eight in number. Seven pertain to this present age, while the eighth is the pursuit of t...
The Kievo-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God was situated at first in the Borisoglebsk church in the city of Vyshgorod (Kiev), where it mir...
In the philosophy of St. Isaac, the problem of the nature of knowledge becomes an ontological and ethical problem which, in the last re...
Within the old “centre” of the village of Episkopi and its settlements in its northwest areas, that were built b...