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Orthodox Destinations

[Orthodox Destinations] [bleft]

Martyr and Passion-Bearer Gleb, in Holy Baptism David

Saint Gleb was the son of St Vladimir (July 15) and the brother of Sviatopolk, Yaroslav, and St Boris. He was named David at his Baptism.

After Sviatopolk had killed Boris, he wondered, “Now how can I kill Gleb?” He sent him a message saying that their father was ill and wished to see him. As he was on his way, he received word from Yaroslav that their father had died and that Sviatopolk had murdered Boris.

St Gleb wept for his father and brother, and was lamenting them when the assassins arrived. They seized his boat and drew their weapons, but it was Gleb’s cook Torchin who stabbed him with a knife.

The martyr’s body was thrown onto the shore between two trees. Later, he was buried beside St Boris in the church of St Basil.

The holy martyrs Princes Boris and Gleb are also commemorated on May 2.

Troparion — Tone 2

Righteous passion-bearers and true fulfillers of the Gospel of Christ, / chaste Boris and guileless Gleb, / you did not resist the attacks of your brother, the enemy, / when he killed your bodies but could not touch your souls. / Therefore, let the evil lover of power mourn / while you rejoice with the angels standing before the Holy Trinity. / Pray that those who honor your memory may be pleasing to God, / and that all Orthodox Christians may be saved.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Today your most glorious memory shines forth, / noble participants in the passion of Christ, holy Boris and Gleb, / for you call us together to sing praises to Christ our God! / Praying to Him before your sacred images, / we receive the gift of healing by your prayers, / for you are indeed divine healers.