General vigil service to St. John the Forerunner, Prophet and Baptist of the Lord.
O blessed John the Forerunner, * sincere friend of the Lord, * who in the waters of the Jordan * touched with thy hand His all-purest crown, * by thy holy intercessions * do thou always with love elevate my humble soul to the Lord, * extinguishing the fire of things that feed my passions, * and leading me to the faithful execution of the divine commandments * truly cleansing the senses of my heart, * that I may glorify thee.
O thou, offspring of barrenness * and the Lord's garden of purity, * ornament of all mankind, * Baptiser of the Lord, * all-praised John the Forerunner, * divine guardian of my humble soul, * do thou vouchsafe unto me God's grace through thine intercessions, * delivering me from the serpent, * and his crafty and wily slanders and attacks.
Thou art the most compassionate of all mankind, * full of divine grace, * O ever-glorious Prophet, * making glad all those who come unto thee in faith, * sweetening our senses of both soul and body, * and effacing from us the bitterness of maladies and afflictions, * of attacks from the evil one, * and of all the soul destroying passions.
O thou, offspring of barrenness * and the Lord's garden of purity, * ornament of all mankind, * Baptiser of the Lord, * all-praised John the Forerunner, * divine guardian of my humble soul, * do thou vouchsafe unto me God's grace through thine intercessions, * delivering me from the serpent, * and his crafty and wily slanders and attacks.
Thou art the most compassionate of all mankind, * full of divine grace, * O ever-glorious Prophet, * making glad all those who come unto thee in faith, * sweetening our senses of both soul and body, * and effacing from us the bitterness of maladies and afflictions, * of attacks from the evil one, * and of all the soul destroying passions.