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Orthodox Destinations

[Orthodox Destinations] [bleft]

St. Justin Popovich | Fragmented by sinful and impure thoughts, the intellect recollects itself through prayer...

Fragmented by sinful and impure thoughts, the intellect recollects itself through prayer, silence, and the other ascetic practices. When the intellect frees itself by repentance from its close connection with the passions, at first it is like a bird that has had its wings clipped. It strives to rise above earthly things through prayer, but it cannot, being tied to the earth. The ability to fly comes only after long striving in the virtues, for it is then that it collects itself and learns to fly.

The love of God is a power that brings the intellect to itself. The reading of hymns and psalms, pondering on death and the hope of future life are all “things that collect the intellect and protect it from fragmentation.” The intellect is destined to reign over the passions, to rule over the senses, and to control them.

St. Justin Popovich