The Hieromartyr Methodius, Bishop of Patara (Lycia in Asia Minor), was distinguished for his genuine monastic humility. Calmly and with mildness he instructed his flock, but he firmly defended the purity of Orthodoxy and he energetically contended against heresies, especially the widespread heresy of the Origenists. He left behind him a rich literary legacy: works in defense of Christianity against paganism, explications of Orthodox dogmas against the heresy of Origen, moral discourses, and explanations of Holy Scripture.
St Methodius was arrested by the pagans, steadfastly confessed before them his faith in Christ, and he was sentenced to death by beheading in the year 312.

The Hieromartyr Methodius, Bishop of Patara (Lycia in Asia Minor), was distinguished for his genuine monastic humility. Calmly and with mildness he instructed his flock, but he firmly defended the purity of Orthodoxy and he energetically contended against heresies, especially the widespread heresy of the Origenists. He left behind him a rich literary legacy: works in defense of Christianity against paganism, explications of Orthodox dogmas against the heresy of Origen, moral discourses, and explanations of Holy Scripture.
St Methodius was arrested by the pagans, steadfastly confessed before them his faith in Christ, and he was sentenced to death by beheading in the year 312.
Troparion — Tone 1
Your blood cries out to God from the earth like that of Abel, / divinely-wise holy hierarch, Methodius. / You openly preached the Incarnation of God, / putting the heresy of Origen to shame. / You were translated to the heavenly bridal chamber: / Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Kontakion — Tone 4
As a priest of the mysteries of the Holy Trinity, / and a preacher of the commandments of God that surpass understanding, / you were the confirmation of Orthodox Christians, O Methodius! / You denounced the errors of heretics; / for the sake of the True Faith you shed your blood as a hieromartyr. / Now as you stand before Christ with the angels, / pray that we may be saved.