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Lessons by our Holy Fathers

[Lessons by our Holy Fathers] [twocolumns]

Orthodox Destinations

[Orthodox Destinations] [bleft]

St. Justin Popovich | The purpose of all the laws and commandments of God is purity of heart.

The purpose of all the laws and commandments of God is purity of heart. God took flesh to cleanse our hearts and souls from evil and to bring them back to their original state. But there is a certain difference between purity of heart and purity of intellect.

St. Isaac writes: 

“In what does purity of intellect differ from purity of heart? Purity of intellect is one thing, but purity of heart is another. For the intellect is one of the senses of the soul, but the heart contains the interior senses and governs them. It is their root. And if the root is holy, then the branches are also holy. If then, the heart is purified, clearly all the senses are purified.”

St. Justin Popovich